Centre for European Transformation

Centre for European Transformation (CET) is an Belarusan independent think-tank, founded in March 2010. CET is integrated into the International Consortium "EuroBelarus". 

The main objectives of the CET activity:

  • Studies on European transformation processes in the Eastern Partnership region and Eastern Europe.
  • Organizing discussions with key stakeholders at a high meaningful level.
  • Analytical support and assistance for decision-making process for key stakeholders involved in the transformation processes.

The main subject areas of research and analysis:

  • European studies and the eastern policy of the European Union.
  • Political and economic transformation processes.
  • Civil society development.
  • Transformation processes in humanitarian areas: education, culture and quality of life.

The regional research priorities:

  • Belarus.
  • The Eastern Partnership region and Eastern Europe.

Currently the main focus of the CET research and analysis work is aimed at the European Union's Eastern Partnership initiative, in particular, at the development of mechanisms for civil society participation in Eastern Partnership activity, issues of strengthening the transformational potential of the Eastern Partnership, thematic issues of culture, education, scientific research, visa policy.

Год основания 
Последнее обновление 22.09.2015
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