Business self-regulation in Belarus: the case of advertising business – from declaration to implementation

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According to recent legislative amendments, the principle of self-regulation is expected to become the foundation for engagement between the state and business in Belarus. However, to ensure a successful implementation of these intentions, it is necessary to complete considerable preparatory work. In this research study, we take the case of advertising business to elaborate an algorithm for the implementation of self-regulation and provide cross-sectoral recommendations for putting this principle in place. Given national characteristics, the ethical model is the most suitable basic option for self-regulation in advertising. To ensure the promotion of self-regulation in the Republic of Belarus as a whole, it is necessary to develop a form of incorporation for the self-regulatory organization (SRO), conduct audits of the functions of state bodies, study the preparedness of industries for SR, and provide a mechanism for initiating business self-regulation.

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Last updated 25.01.2019
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